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岸潛    |    船潛   |   夜潛   |   裝備租借

Shore Dive   |    Boat Dive   |   Night Dive   | Equipment Rental

​岸潛 Shore Dive






It is always a valuable experience to have shore dive in Green island.

Along the coast, there are already enriched coral reefs andmarine lives

for us to explore.




Divers need to carry the equipment along the shore

before and after diving. The depth will not excess 18 meter,

which is a best choice for OW divers.

1人 1 person                                   TWD 1500

2人 2 people                                   TWD 1000

3人 3 people                                   TWD 800

4人或以上 4 people or above           TWD 600


(價格含氣瓶及導潛費 | 租裝備需額外收費)

( Price includes air tank and dive guide |  Extra fee for equipment rental is needed )

# 歡迎先參考我們的《潛點介紹》

Read our Dive Sites Introduction First


Participants must be at least 10 years old

# 必須先參閱健康聲明書

Please read The Medical Statement before registration

# 若有任何健康狀況(健康聲明書的問卷回答「是」) 必須出示醫生證明

If there is any health conditions (Any "Yes" in the medical questionnaire),

participants must provide us an appropriate medical certificate.

# 為保護海洋環境 本潛店不提供餵魚

To protect the marine environment No fish feeding is provided

# 潛水時請勿使用非天然防曬產品

Please do not use any non-natural sunscreen products when diving

​船潛 Boat Dive





The boat dive dive sites in Green Island always exceed 18 meter.

So, it is suggested that AOW or above levels divers to join us. 

Dive sites will be different from the shore (please refer to our dive sites introduction),

divers can enjoy another amazing marine environment.



Boat dives divide into two time slots, in the morning and in the  afternoon.

Each boat dive includes two air tanks, and visits two different dive sites.

It is not able to change it to one air tank.

1人 1 person                                   TWD 3600

2人 2 people                                   TWD 3000

3人 3 people                                   TWD 2500

4人或以上 4 people or above           TWD 2300

(價格含兩支氣瓶及導潛費 | 租裝備需額外收費)

( Price includes two air tanks and dive guide |  Extra fee for equipment rental is needed )

# 船潛要視乎當日船家有否出海

Boat dive need to depends on the boat schedule.

# 歡迎先參考我們的《潛點介紹》

Read our Dive Sites Introduction First

# 必須先參閱健康聲明書

Please read The Medical Statement before registration

# 若有任何健康狀況(健康聲明書的問卷回答「是」) 必須出示醫生證明

If there is any health conditions (Any "Yes" in the medical questionnaire),

participants must provide us an appropriate medical certificate.

# 為保護海洋環境 本潛店不提供餵魚

To protect the marine environment No fish feeding is provided

# 潛水時請勿使用非天然防曬產品

Please do not use any non-natural sunscreen products when diving

​夜潛 Night Dive



Having night dive after sunset, we can explore the different world,

and meet marine friends that we cannot see in the daytime.






Divers need to carry the equipment along the shore

before and after diving. The depth will not excess 18 meter.

We suggest divers with AOW license or with night dive specialty to join us.

1人 1 person                                   TWD 1700

2人 2 people                                   TWD 1200

3人 3 people                                   TWD 1000

4人或以上 4 people or above           TWD 800


(價格含氣瓶及導潛費 | 租裝備需額外收費 | 每位潛水員必需自備或租借手電筒)

( Price includes air tank and dive guide |  Extra fee for equipment rental is needed )

( Each diver needs at least one torch )


# 歡迎先參考我們的《潛點介紹》

Read our Dive Sites Introduction First

# 必須先參閱健康聲明書

Please read The Medical Statement before registration

# 若有任何健康狀況(健康聲明書的問卷回答「是」) 


If there is any health conditions (Any "Yes" in the medical questionnaire),

participants must provide us an appropriate medical certificate.

# 為保護海洋環境 本潛店不提供餵魚

To protect the marine environment No fish feeding is provided

# 潛水時請勿使用非天然防曬產品

Please do not use any non-natural sunscreen products when diving


​裝備租借 Equipment Rental

Full equipment|  TWD 600(半天half day) TWD 1200(全天whole day)


( Full equipment includes BCD, Regular, Wights, Mask, Snorkel, Wetsuit, Fins & Boots )

重裝或輕裝Scuba equipment / Snorkeling equipment| TWD 400(半天half day) TWD 600(全天whole day)


Scuba equipment includes BCD, Regular & Wights )


( Snorkeling equipment includes Mask, snorkel, wetsuit, fins & boots )

手電筒 Torch| TWD 100 

蛙鞋+套鞋 Fins +Boots| TWD 200

面鏡+呼吸管 Mask+Snorkel | TWD 200

電腦錶 Dive computer| TWD 300

# 請小心保護租借物品 如有損壞 店家有權提出賠償

# Please handle the rental equipment with care. If there is any damage, we do have the right to ask for compensation. 

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