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進階開放水域潛水員 Advance Open Water Diver


If you want to learn more about diving & the ocean

after OW, then AOW will be a refreshing step for you.

After AOW course, you can dive within 30 meter. It is useful for

divers who want to have some diving trips. The 3 days 2 nights 

course includes 5 Open water practices.


課程內容 Course content:

頂尖中性浮力 Peak Performance Buoyancy

深潛 Deep Dive

船潛或水底搜索 Boat Dive/​Search and Recovery

​夜潛 Night Dive

水底導航 Underwater Navigation

# 先決條件:年滿12歲、                  

                      通過健康聲明書內容 及

        已有PADI開放水域潛水員或其他          協會同等執照

Prerequisites:At least 12 years old,

                          with approved Medical statement &

                          with PADI Open Water Diver or the same level of other


# 需通過水試合格才能畢業

Need to pass the water tests for certified

# 每班不超過4人
No more than 4 people per class


單課程價格 Course price:TWD$14000


( Including books, equipment, air tanks & certification fee )

# 本店附有套裝行程 請聯絡我們詢問詳

We provide package plan (Accommodation & Transportation),

please contact for detail.

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